I have so many things to be thankful for especially this year and of course my family is probably the main one. Since coming to San Diego I've got so spend a lot of time with the kids. We don't really have places to be or scheduled things to do so we pretty much get to do what we want all day long. And since we barely know anyone it is usually just us all day every day. I feel closer to them and I think all this time together has helped us get along better. Bob got Thanksgiving off work and it was really nice to just stay at the house all day and hang out.
I took a few pictures of us making dinner.
I think we only have ever made Thanksgiving dinner one time before because we usually go to my moms house. I really wanted low key and easy so it was all pretty much out of a can or premade. Below you can see Leon concentrating on the legos. Its hard for him to get those pieces to go together the way he wants.We ended up having some people over and it was fun. I feel inadequate inviting people over for dinner because I'm not the best cook, but the company was nice.
Here I am cutting the marshmallows in half because the recipe called for mini marshmallows but we only had jumbo. My hair was really frizzy that day because of the ocean and I'm not making my best picture face. But it is the only one we took of me that day so I wanted to post it anyway.
And the kids putting the marshmallows on.
I hope you all had a great day too!

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