While in San Diego we went to the zoo at least once a week. After the first month we were a bit further away, but still much closer than we regularly are to a zoo.
Every week we would go to the library and check out books about any animal the kids choose. They would read them all week and then we would make sure to see them in person the next time we went to the zoo. Penelope's favorite animal was the flamingo.
Tucker loved the orangutans. This is a picture of Janie, she was giving kisses to the window. She will do her hair. She used to to live with a person, do her make up and smoke. People would throw cigarets in and she would pick them up and smoke.These pictures are from a few different visits. I thought I would skip posting every time we went to the zoo and just combine with my favorite pictures here.
The hippos were fun to watch. This particular time the baby kept bouncing up and down by the glass.
The San Diego zoo has been around for 100 years now, that is longer than Disney Land. They had a special show to celebrate.
Scarlett's favorite animal to see was always the scarlet macaw. They were pretty, but I felt bad for them because they weren't caged and their wings were clipped so much they couldn't fly. I used to have a bird and we clipped her wings. But looking back it just seems a little sad to be a bird and not able to fly.I love koala bears! I'm not sure if I have a favorite animal, but if I did it might be these. They are just so cute. They are almost always sleeping when we see them. But this particular time the trainer was in there feeding them so they were awake.
We talked about how much we like the rhinos. Bob thinks it is because they look like a dinosaurs.
The giraffes are always pretty.
Most of the time the polar bears aren't near the glass, but this time they were playing and swimming near the window.
Every time we went Leon wanted to see the lions. We sat and stared at the sleeping lions (they are usually asleep too) for at least 10 minutes, and just went we were getting ready to go they got up and started walking around. He loved it!
It was fantastic to be able to go to the zoo so many times. We never had to worry about seeing the whole thing. We usually went for about 3 hours and that is when people started to get tired and we would go home. But in the end we saw everything many many times.

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