It took me a while to find grey pants for all the boys. It really shouldn't have taken so long, but I didn't want to spend very much money because they boys didn't need more church pants. $20 seemed like too much. I found Leon's at Old Navy for $10 and was happy about that. Bob spend more on his but he wanted grey church pants so we were happy about that too. I spend hours online looking for pants for Tucker and even bought several only to return them, when I finally gave in and just bought $20 pants online. I only wish I didn't waste so much time and energy trying to find them.
A quick story about my outfit. I was supposed to wear soft pink with cream, gold and raspberry accents. It was up to me how I wore it as long as I had the soft pink. After lots more online shopping I went to the mall for 4 hours and came home with this outfit! I loved it and only spent about $25. The funny part was that when the bride walked in to the night before wedding party she was wearing the exact same thing. It was my first time meeting my future sister-in-law and I wore the same exact outfit (shirt color was different but the same shirt nonetheless) to her wedding that she wore to the pre-wedding party. Luckily she was a good sport about it and didn't seem to mind at all.

1 comment:
Their staff was amazing, lovely and truly professional. I could go on and on about these guys. All of the wait staff at these wedding venues were great at their jobs but very warm and nice people. There is no better place in the city to get married and no better guide than their manager.
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