Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Family Fun

I'm so not ready for Christmas break to be over!  Bob only had a couple days off, but the whole next week he got done with work about an hour early and it was so nice.  The break form school was also pretty awesome.  

I think these are the last of my pictures to share from break and then it is back to reality.
Here we are before Church one Sunday.   We weren't exactly matching, but I did ask everyone to wear Christmas colors.  I have no idea what Scarlett's problem was in this picture.
I think I've mentioned it before, but we love Art Hub for Kids!  They have so many things to draw and the more we do it the less crying it sparks.  I think the kids are getting used to the idea that their pictures do not need to be perfect or just like the ones on the video.
 Bob even helped Calista with a drawing.
She has become pretty attached to him lately.  When he isn't home she acts completely normal, but the second he comes home everyday she drops everything and runs to the door shouting "dadda."  It is pretty adorable.  From there on out she doesn't like him to leave her.  And if Bob does have to leave when she is awake she gets really sad.  Like devastated sad that he is leaving.  I'll have to try to get a video of it sometime.

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