Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Kinugasayama has become one of my favorite local parks.  Although not as huge it is up there with Kannonzaki park in my book.  This time the kids wanted to bring their scooters.  I was a little hesitant because we went up and down steep winding hills.  I was scared someone was going to crash, but we all made it without major injuries.
This was Bob's first time coming with us.  I wish I got a picture of him because he and Tucker both did this loop de loop several times trying to out race each other.  I think this is one thing the kids will pass Bob up in sooner rather than later.  Penelope even beat Bob's first time.  It can be a bit hard to manage the turns when you are larger and have less space in the tunnel.  I didn't attempt it, and I'm sure everyone would have been able to beat me.   I'm ok with that.

Calista didn't bring her gloves and her hands were freezing.  Penelope was nice enough to share with her.
One thing I love about this park is the unsophisticated animal sculptures that surprise you at every turn.  It is just a fun little thing that I know someone worked hard on.  There are probably over a hundred hiding around the place.

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