Monday, August 15, 2022

Soccer Season

Tucker is not the only one who plays soccer around here.  Penelope, Scarlett, and Leon all had a great soccer season.  At first they tried to bump Penelope up into an older age bracket.  I had to call and hunt them down to get a hold of them to tell them that she would not be playing in the 13-14 age bracket.  Not only were we all very excited that their ages lined up that she and Scarlett could finally be on the same team but she is definitely not the tallest 12 year old.  Many of the other kids on the 10-12 age bracket were taller than her.  Once I talked to them they agreed to put her back on the 10-12 team.  
I was really happy with the girls coach and Leon's coach this year.  Both of their coaches were really involved and taught them soccer.  Neither coach yelled at the kids and they played the kids all evenly.  They were everything I wanted in a soccer coach.  
I like soccer season.  I like taking the kids to practices and games.  It keeps us busy and outside, which is great.  The girls last game was a double header against the same team.  They play the full field so there is a ton of running.  It was also hot outside.  No one was looking forward to playing the same exact team again after they just finished.  I was honestly surprised they even went through with it.  I'm glad they did though.  Both girls scored their first goals during that game.  It was exciting!
I didn't really take very many pictures this year.  But at least I got a couple.  Leon scored several times throughout the season, he even had a few headers which are always fun.  None of my kids are really soccer stars.  But we have a good time, and there is so much good that comes from playing sports.  The learn about working hard, winning and loosing, and being outside.  

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