Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ahsoka Halloween

The kids all wanted to dress up as Ahsoka characters for Halloween this year.  They have been watching the show with Bob. 
I haven't seen it but the kids and Bob told me to wear this and tell people I'm a night sister.  We had to be a little loose on the characters because I wasn't about to buy 8 costumes.  So some are more star wars and less Ahsoka, but everyone was relatively happy with their costumes.  Penelope and Scarlett took turns being Ahsoka.

We did both a ward trunk-or-treat and went trick-or-treating and now we are swimming in candy.  We also way over bought and have two giant bags that we didn't even pass out.  We heard our neighborhood was popular, for trick-or-treaters, and it was.  But we were expecting about twice as many kids.
The kids had a blast and saw some friends from school.  
A few of our neighbors went all out with the decorations and some were giving out full size candy bars.

We also carved pumpkins.

Beatrix got to wear her costume to preschool that day and they did a little parade.  I got a lot of comments about her Darth Vader costume.  I guess it is unusual for a little girl to want to be Darth Vader, but she really did want to.  As far as star wars goes I listed several options and she wanted Darth Vader.  Then when it was time to wear her costume to school I asked if she wanted to wear one of her princess dresses and she definitely did not.
I love Halloween, but I'm also glad it is over.  I don't know why but this year I was itching to get the decorations down and have the house look normal again.

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